High School and College Volunteer Summer Research on US Monetary and Fiscal History
George Hall and Thomas SargentSummer 2024Once again this summer, some enterprising high school and college students came to me online and asked to learn some Python, economics, mathematics, statistics, and US financial history. They learned by doing. This summer the theme was to write ``biographies'' of some famous bonds that the US federal government issued to finance surges in government expenditures. Students formed teams and organized themselves. My friend and co-author George Hall of Brandeis and I mostly just watched and learned. The accompanying link contains summaries of their findings. Python code and data sources are included in the document.
Quantitative Economics
John Stachurski and Thomas SargentFebruary 2022A free online class about quantitative economics written partly in English, partly in the language of economic dynamics, and partly in Python. The web site is a work in progress and will be updated often. It emphasizes hands on learning and offers exercises and examples.
Advanced macroeconomics for undergraduates
Fall 2011This is an undergraduate class that I taught at NYU a couple of times. I wrote out notes for the class. The notes include many homework problems and practice questions.
Notes for the class (handwritten)